When Botox is administered correctly it can offer a relaxed, refreshed and more youthful appearance. It can help to enhance your features while also preventing those pesky lines and wrinkles developing for years to come.
It’s understandable that you might have some questions and reservations about the treatment – it does involve facial injections after all! To put your mind at ease, we’ve outlined what you can expect before, during and after the treatment:
At the consultation
During the initial consultation, Dr Baskin or one of our Registered Nurses will discuss with you exactly what your concerns are and manage your expectations to ensure you get the best result. They will make treatment recommendations to align with what you want to achieve and your budget. Now’s the time to ask any questions you have, to ensure you have a full understanding of the treatment.
At the Botox® appointment
At your first Botox® appointment*, you’ll complete a medical consent form and pre-treatment photos are taken to track your results. This initial appointment is about 30 minutes, which is longer than follow up appointments which are only around 15 minutes. Your nurse will then talk you through the procedure before starting. Botox® is injected directly into the targeted muscle using a fine needle. Most people describe the treatment as ‘slightly uncomfortable’ but it is over in no time!
*Unless you are under a doctor order for it, seven days prior to a Botox injection avoid Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, any anti-inflammatory medications, Fish Oil/Flaxseed Oil supplements and Melatonin. This will decrease your chance of bruising.
Immediately after the treatment
Right after the treatment, you may have a small amount of redness and swelling – this will usually resolve within ten minutes. Most people experience no pain or side effects, a small number get a mild headache after the treatment which can be eased with mild pain relief. You will be given post-treatment information which outlines all of the details and post-care advice.
1 day after the treatment
Most people will not experience any symptoms that show they’ve had the treatment done, however it is possible to have some minor bruising. Noticeable results are not usually visible the next day, as it take a bit of time for the Botox® to kick in.
1 week after the treatment
After five to seven days, you are likely to start to see results of your treatment, with the full effect seen at 10-14 days. The treated area will appear smoother and look more refreshed.
1 month after the treatment
A month down the track, your Botox® will still be very effective. Some people will have a very small amount of movement return, although this differs for everyone and also depends on the area treated.
3 months after the treatment
After about 3 to 6 months, the effects of Botox start to wear off and you will start to see a gradual return of movement. If you want the fresh and smooth look to return, you will have to repeat the injections. Most people get injections every 3 to 4 months.